Introduction To Jewish Lifestyle


Jewish lifestyles and customs are an integral part of a Messianic Jewish congregation. They connect us to our people, our history and our God.

The Hebrew word for many of these customs is Mishpatim which means: “judgment, a body of laws, law, statute, a manner or custom.”

Many of these manners and customs are based in Torah and have been passed down for thousands of years. It is a legacy given to us by God and passed on to our children.

Visit our Feast Days page to see what festivals are an essential part of a Torah lifestyle and convey deep meaning and understanding of God’s relationship with us.

Visit our Lifecycle Events page to see what celebrations and services are available through House of Covenant.


Feast Days

These beautiful festivals are an essential part of a Torah lifestyle and convey deep meaning and understanding of God’s relationship with us. These holy days are a model for all believers weekly, monthly and yearly. At House of Covenant we strive to structure our feast services to convey these dynamic scriptural principles.

Shabbat (Sabbath) is the first feast mentioned in Leviticus 23. All other feasts are fashioned after this most important day. Sabbath is the first sign of covenant that the Lord gave to all mankind. It is a day of rest and renewal, a time when we can reconnect with God and renew relationship with one another.

Passover is the beginning of the Jewish religious New Year. This feast is a rememberance of God’s deliverance from slavery and the Exodus from Egypt. It’s also the time of the sacrifice of Messiah.

Unleavened Bread is the week-long observance of removing the leaven from our homes and the eating of matzah. This also commemorates the Exodus and symbolizes the removal of sin (leaven) from our lives. Messiah, the Bread of Life, was in the grave during this feast.

First Fruits occurs on the first day following the Sabbath after Passover. This celebration is to remember that our first and best harvest belongs to the Lord. Yeshua the Messiah resurrected on this day.

Shavuot, also known as the Feast of Weeks, takes place fifty days after First Fruits. This day commemorates the giving of the Torah to Moses at Mt. Sinai and the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Rosh Hashanah, or Feast of Trumpets, is the Jewish Civil New Year. This feast marks the fall harvest, is a rememberance of the time of Creation, as well as a time of introspection and repentance in anticipation of Yom Kippur. This is the time of the second coming of Messiah.

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. It is the day when the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies and offer sacrifice for Israel. This festival is a time of reflection and solemn worship, mingled with a joyous anticipation for the Wedding Day of the Lamb.

Sukkot, or Feast of Tabernacles, marks the seventh festival of God’s appointed times. This is a remembrance of the Hebrews dwelling in tents during their wanderings through the desert for forty years. It is a time of celebration and thanksgiving to God for dwelling in our midst.

Simchat Torah, our time of “Rejoicing with the Torah," is a celebration that marks the conclusion of Sukkot and the renewal of the cycle of Torah readings.

Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication) remembers the Maccabean Revolt against the Selucid tyrant Antiochus Epiphanes. It marks the victory that God brought to the Hebrews and the miracle of the menorah.

Purim, also known as the Feast of Lots, remembers the time the Jewish people were in Persia and God’s protection and deliverance through Esther. This is a time of joyous fun and humor.

Find out more about Feast Days and other information in our Library of Links

Life Cycle Events

These celebrations and services are available through House of Covenant.

Brit Milah (Circumcision)
This is the sign of the covenant that the Lord made with Abraham, and through him, the Jewish people. Our leader will work with you to plan a service for this beautiful and intimate ritual.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah
This rite of passage for young boys and girls is a public proclamation of them taking “ownership of their faith.” This joyous celebration is available through House of Covenant.

Baby Naming 
This public celebration of naming and dedicating a newborn child is a time-honored tradition.

Pidyon HaBen (Redemption of the Firstborn) 
This ancient ceremony is instructed in the Torah, where the Hebrews would bring their firstborn sons to the Cohen and either “redeem” them from the Lord, or dedicate them to His service.

Mikveh (Immersion) 
Immersion is an outward sign of entering into a covenant-relationship with the Most High. It’s a ritual of purification, repentance and dedication of faith. It is also a symbol of death and resurrection.

A wedding performed under the chuppah, or canopy. Traditional Jewish weddings are available, as well as an ancient Hebrew marriage ceremony.

Memorial Service
Traditional Jewish funerals with liturgy are made available, as well as more custom-made services. 

Find out more about Lifecycle Events and other information in our Library of Links